Two dog owners receive cautions for livestock worrying in connection to sheep attack near Shipston

Two dog owners received conditional cautions for livestock worrying in connection to the attack on some sheep in a field near Shipston last month. (File sheep image)Two dog owners received conditional cautions for livestock worrying in connection to the attack on some sheep in a field near Shipston last month. (File sheep image)
Two dog owners received conditional cautions for livestock worrying in connection to the attack on some sheep in a field near Shipston last month. (File sheep image)
Two dog owners received conditional cautions for livestock worrying in connection to the attack on some sheep in a field near Shipston in May.

Officers with the Warwickshire Rural Crime Team have concluded their investigation into an attack on some sheep in a field off Furze Hill Road near Shipston in May. Several sheep were seriously injured during the attack, which involved two dogs.

Taking into account the victims wishes, both dog owners received conditional cautions for the offence of livestock worrying which ensured the victim was compensated for vet bills incurred.

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In addition to this, one of the dogs has been re-homed and both dogs remain subject to control measures preventing future incidents as part of these conditions.

Officers also plan to seek Control Orders for the dogs in court which will ensure protection for all involved long into the future.

The sheep attacked in the incident have now made a full recovery.

The Warwickshire Rural Crime Team posted the following message on its Facebook page after the incident happened, which said: "We regularly highlight the importance of having dogs on leads and the consequences of allowing them to wander free in the countryside near to livestock. Today’s incident is a prime example of how things go so wrong so quickly. You are responsible for your dog. It’s as simple as that."