Convert unused green spaces to solve Bretch Hill parking problem, councillor suggests

Cllr Mark CherryCllr Mark Cherry
Cllr Mark Cherry
A county councillor is looking into the possibility of turning unused green spaces in Bretch Hill into parking bays to resolve the congestion and cars left in inappropriate places.

Cllr Mark Cherry said residents voiced their concerns about cars being parked on pavements or grassy areas a few months ago, which he believes is down to poor planning when the estate was built in the 1960s.

Ruling out public parks, the Labour councillor believes some green spaces could be converted into parking bays but is open to other suggestions – however he said he is opposed to parking permits.

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“Other areas of concern are Prescott Close and Dover Avenue but the reality is funding from Oxfordshire County Council is not going to easy to find,” he said.

“But nevertheless I want Ruscote constituents to be aware as elected Labour county councillor for Banbury Ruscote that any political levers I can pull will be moved forwards to try to tackle the parking problem in Bretch Hill.”

Cllr Cherry has written to the county council’s cabinet member for environment, Cllr Yvonne Constance, and will be meeting highways officers in Bretch Hill on Friday to discuss the issue.

What do you think of turning green spaces into parking bays? Is it needed or are there other ways to solve the parking problem?

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