Autumn return for children's activity hubs in north Oxfordshire

Children enjoying table tennis.Children enjoying table tennis.
Children enjoying table tennis.
Cherwell District Council's popular activity hubs enjoyed a successful summer and are to return during next month's half term.

Almost 3,000 children enjoyed the council’s summer activity hubs in part due the early bird discounts and a new online booking service which will reopen for the October half-term hubs on Monday, September 25.

A 30 per cent discount will be available for people who book before Sunday, October 1.

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George Reynolds, Cherwell’s deputy leader, said: “The hubs have proved massively popular with the district’s children once again and we are pleased to have been able to contribute to their learning new skills, making new friends and staying active during the school holidays.

“Once again our officers are hard at work putting together a programme of activities for the October hubs which will entertain and inspire, and we look forward to welcoming back regulars and newcomers alike once half-term comes around.”

The hubs provide fun programmes of sports, games, arts and crafts for five to 15-year-olds and will feature guest activities which change each day, including fencing, tennis, trampoline and netball.

Cllr Reynolds added: “Parents are increasing realising that, for little over £2.25 an hour, the hubs are far cheaper than the typical cost of childcare.”

Full day sessions, from 8.45am to 5pm, cost £18.95 while the shorter session, 8.45am to 3pm, costs £14.95.

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