Banburyshire asked to donate items to help create care packages for our NHS heroes

Angela Conlan and Tom Cox with some of the care packs ready for distributionAngela Conlan and Tom Cox with some of the care packs ready for distribution
Angela Conlan and Tom Cox with some of the care packs ready for distribution
An appeal has gone out across Banburyshire and the county for donations of treats for NHS heroes on the frontline.

The Oxford Health Cares campaign aims to supply morale-boosting packs to frontline staff who are giving round-the-clock care at community hospitals, in district nursing teams and through its inpatient and community mental health settings.

Oxford Health Charity has already received some generous donations enabling the organisation to start sending out packs. But it is now calling on more organisations, businesses and the public for further help. The packs demonstrate in a small way just how much everyone appreciates what they do.

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The charity which supports Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust is an entirely separate organisation to the OUH Oxford Hospitals Charity. It aims to send packs to more than 150 hubs in Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Wiltshire to support some of its 6,700 workers.

Boxed goodies for front line staff - and Oxford Health Charity has appealed for moreBoxed goodies for front line staff - and Oxford Health Charity has appealed for more
Boxed goodies for front line staff - and Oxford Health Charity has appealed for more

Kerry Rogers, Director of Corporate Affairs, said: “Oxford Health Charity, our Artscape and Creating with Care projects and Health and Well-being teams are all working together to show our collective appreciation for all that our amazing teams are doing.

“We recognise the immense pressures our people are working under, the personal sacrifices they are making and the dedication they are demonstrating day and night to deliver the best care to all our patients and service users. They are our heroes on the frontline and we salute them.”

Community Involvement Manager, Julie Pink said: "It’s crucial during these times that our staff feel supported and these care packages will have treats to get them through their day or night shift - from teas and coffee to energy bars, soups and more.

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“Over the coming weeks our hubs will support staff breaks, reminding our caring teams to stay hydrated and look after themselves. So if you can help with hand creams, lips balms, energy bars, drinks or any other item you think our teams would appreciate please contact me at [email protected]. We must stand by our staff at this time and help them to deliver the care we all need. Please help us to reward our heroes, they deserve it.

“I’d also like to thank all those who have helped for far including our friends at Restore and Carpenter Catering. Thank you so much."

If you can’t donate items, you can make a big difference by donating via the charity website.

Oxford Health teams run physical and mental health services at 150 locations.

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