Special panto performance for 600 disabled or disadvantaged children across Oxfordshire

Six hundred disabled or disadvantaged children and their families will be enjoying a performance of the classic pantomime, Beauty and the Beast, this Christmas in a special performance arranged by Oxfordshire Freemasons.

The children will be attending the Playhouse Theatre in Oxford on Tuesday December 10 where they will be greeted by a dozen pantomime dames and Santa’s elves – all played by local freemasons. Ice cream, chocolate and a goody bag will be part of the fun.

Dignitaries from across Oxfordshire will also be attending, including the High Sherriff of Oxfordshire, Lady Jay of Ewelme CBE, and more than a dozen local mayors and councilors from Oxford and surrounding boroughs.

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Beauty and the Beast will be the seventh annual pantomime that Oxfordshire Freemasons have arranged for local disabled and disadvantaged children. Each year the Oxford Playhouse puts on a special performance of their Christmas show at a cost of £8,500 for the afternoon.

Roger Hampshire of Oxfordshire Freemasons said: “Even in this age of the internet and video games, children enjoy the magic of pantomime just as much today as they did a century ago – and so do the grown-ups! It’s a highlight of the year for Oxfordshire freemasons, and this year’s show promises to be the best yet.”

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