RVS team up with Banbury jigsaw club

The Cornhill Centre in Castle StreetThe Cornhill Centre in Castle Street
The Cornhill Centre in Castle Street
The Royal Voluntary Service (RVS) has teamed up with Banbury puzzle club, Piece Together for a free puzzler event next week.

The Jigsaw Puzzler will be held at the RVS’ headquarters at The Cornhill Centre on Wednesday, February 5 between 10.30am and noon.

Piece Together are running this event as part of the First Time for Everything programme designed by RVS and the Prudential to give older people the opportunity to try something new for free.

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Prudential said: “Meet fellow puzzles and dissectologists over a cup of coffee or tea. Discover this fascinating, relaxing and traditional pastime/hobby and see the different kinds and sizes of puzzles. Find out about famous puzzles.”

Light refreshments will also be served free of charge and there will be opportunities to hear about other RVS activities for older people planned for Banbury.

Steve Kilsby, centre manager at the Cornhill, said: “Everyone loves jigsaw puzzles, and this will be a fascinating and lively day for us all.”

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