Rise in vehicle crime in Warwickshire

Car crime is rising in Warks.Car crime is rising in Warks.
Car crime is rising in Warks.
Warwickshire Police is reminding motorists to take extra care following a rise in vehicle crime in the county.

In July 2017, there were 417 incidents of vehicle-related crime across the county compared to 511 incidents in August 2017.

Inspector Julia Brealey said: “We know this is concerning for local people but I would like to reassure them we are taking proactive steps to identify those responsible and deter others from committing offences.

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“We have identified hotspot areas and have patrol plans in place to target these areas. We are working closely with our partners to provide support and crime prevention advice within our communities to ensure Warwickshire continues to be a safe place to live, work and visit.

“We would ask people to remain vigilant as it can take as little as ten seconds for a thief to enter a vehicle and steal something from it. We are always keen to hear from our communitis and we advise them to report any suspicious activity to us by getting in touch with the local policing teams.”

Simple steps people can take to protect their vehicle and belongings include double checking your door is locked and windows and sun roof are closed; not leave anything on display in the vehicle such as sat navs, loose change or bags; if you’ve got a garage, use it; consider installing security lighting; when parking always choose a well-lit area, preferably with CCTV coverage; keeping your vehicle ownership documents in your house not in your car; thinking about who you leave your keys with; when at home keeping your car keys away from doors and windows and out of sight; and checking that your alarm or immobiliser is enabled when you leave the car.

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