Meet the general election candidates for the Banbury seat: Ian Middleton (Green Party)

Ian MiddletonIan Middleton
Ian Middleton
We asked all the general election candidates standing for the Banbury seat to submit 300 words on why you should vote for them.

This is the pitch from Ian Middleton, representing the Green Party (all the other candidates can be found on our website):

This is THE climate election. Although it’s encouraging to see other parties have started to add green policies as one of many priorities, it’s at the core of everything we do.

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The Green Party have warned about climate collapse for 30 years.

Caroline Lucas launched our Green New Deal in 2008 when the Labour government were busy bailing out the bankers!

We will commit to £100bn a year from now until 2030 to ensure we don’t reach the tipping point that the IPCC has warned could mean a runaway cascade effect on our climate.

It sounds like a lot of money, and it is, but you can’t breathe money!

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If we don’t achieve de-carbonisation of our economy by 2030, whatever we do afterwards may be too late.

Vote for an MP who will protect your children’s future at all costs, or condemn them to a very bleak future.

This may be your last chance to vote to protect the climate. If not now, then when?

The NHS is one of our greatest achievements. We can’t allow the Conservatives to destroy it. Privatisation and centralisation is at the root of many of the problems we’re seeing at the Horton.

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The Green Party has been at the forefront of the campaign to return the NHS to full public ownership.

We need to make sure we save our NHS while we still have an NHS to save.

Any Brexit deal will mean we’ll spend 10 years of parliamentary time dealing with the economic and structural fallout.

Analysts predict we won’t then have the money or the resources to repair the damage done by a decade of austerity. The Greens are the only party offering a second referendum in which we will campaign to remain.

We deserve the chance to democratically change our mind.