General Election 2019: We speak with Lib Dem candidate, Tim Bearder

Tim BearderTim Bearder
Tim Bearder
Tim Bearder is somewhat of a veteran of political campaigns already having a been elected as a county, district and parish councillor and running in the European elections.

Tim said of his campaign: "I really enjoyed it because I grew up and went to school in this constituency and reconnecting with people in my former hometown was quite magical as well seeing lots of old friends when I was knocking on doors.

"I saw my old German teacher who came to the hustings and yeah, it was a lot of fun. But it was also a massive eye opener to see how radically the area had changed over the years. And I have to say for the worse.

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He added: "Youth services in Bicester and Banbury have been completely decimated under the Tories. We've got no children centres anymore."

Unlike the experiences of Labour candidate Suzette Watson, the message most important to constituents Tim was hearing was that of housing and infrastructure.

Tim said: "What a lot of the conversations I had were about were housing numbers in Oxfordshire, the numbers of houses. You can't go to a single village or town in most of this constituency without seeing new building developments."

Other concerns involved the lack of rural bus routes and lack of amenities within the new housing developments.

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Responding to the ever increasing likelihood of a large Conservative majority, Tim said: "Well, the Liberal Democrats fundamentally want to stop Brexit because we believe that it will be a disaster for this country. Boris Johnson epitomises a hard Brexit so we are facing catastrophe.

"I don't say that lightly, but honestly, this country now faces absolute catastrophe."

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