Wroxton children bid farewell to beloved reverend

Olivia Blake and Theo Andrews-Tooth present reverend John with a leaving presentOlivia Blake and Theo Andrews-Tooth present reverend John with a leaving present
Olivia Blake and Theo Andrews-Tooth present reverend John with a leaving present
Revd Dr John Reader took his final Church Service at All Saints Church in Wroxton this week, surrounded by the children of Wroxton CE Primary School, staff, governors and parents.

Reverend John, as he is known, arrived in Wroxton in 2009 as the rector for The Ironstones Benefice consisting of eight churches .

The reverend quickly began a relationship with the primary school joining pupils and staff every Tuesday to give an assembly. He also welcomed the children into All Saints Church once a term for a church service and served as a vice chair on the school's governing body.

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Head teacher April Guiness, said: "John has supported Wroxton through ups and downs and has always been a kind and caring listening ear to bend.

"Our children have greatly benefited from his links with Oxford University and have had guided tours and even a fabulous donation enabling us to by classic books for every child in school.

"John has been a pivotal figure at Wroxton CE Primary School even marrying some of our parents and christening some of the children. He is loved by children, parents and staff alike and will be greatly missed."

To say farewell, reverend John was presented with a ‘Fingerprint Tree’ by Olivia Blake and Theo Andrews-Tooth.

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