Will any singles from Banburyshire go naked for Channel 4 TV programme?

Will any brave singleton from Banburyshire apply to appear on Naked Attraction?Will any brave singleton from Banburyshire apply to appear on Naked Attraction?
Will any brave singleton from Banburyshire apply to appear on Naked Attraction?
Channel 4 is appealing to brave viewers in Banburyshire to consider being part of their TV show Naked Attraction.

Production company Studio Lambert North and Channel 4 say they are 'on the hunt' for a new wave of brave singletons willing to bare all for series seven of the hit show Naked Attraction.

In this daring dating series, hosted by fully-clothed TV presenter Anna Richardson, the picker will whittle down a group of six potential suitors, based solely on the power of Naked Attraction.

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"The naked hopefuls stand in individual pods, while one body part is revealed at a time to the picker, who eliminates a person in each round based on what they find least attractive. Naked Attraction strips back the trappings of modern dating to just the naked body," said Studio Lambert spokesman James Lambert.

Filming for the series is set to begin in the autumn, adhering to Covid-19 filming guidance. Anyone willing to be considered can apply here. You must be over 18-years-old.

The five-part series will air later in the year.

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