Police 'locate' driver after collision in Banbury - breath test is failed

A breath test reading by Thames Valley Roads Policing showing a positive resultA breath test reading by Thames Valley Roads Policing showing a positive result
A breath test reading by Thames Valley Roads Policing showing a positive result
Police 'located' the driver of a collision on the Bloxham Road in Banbury yesterday evening (Saturday)

Thames Valley Roads Policing unit attended the incident and breathalysed the driver who failed the test. No one was hurt in the crash.

The intervention happened less than a week after the force launched its 2021 Christmas 'Don't drink and drive' campaign, Operation Holly.

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On Twitter in the early hours of this morning they said: "Following reports of a damage only collision this evening on the Bloxham road in Banbury, Police attended and located driver. Driver failed roadside breath test and was arrested. #Opholly..."

On the same evening the team was involved in a chase with a vehicle in Kidlington which made off from officers. The vehicle was stopped and the driver tested positive for Cocaine. Over £500 of shoplifting items were recovered from the vehicle. The driver was arrested.