Care home residents near Banbury enjoy day trip to Birmingham's Hippodrome

Residents and carers of Chacombe park travelled to Birmingham to take in a Ballet performance.Residents and carers of Chacombe park travelled to Birmingham to take in a Ballet performance.
Residents and carers of Chacombe park travelled to Birmingham to take in a Ballet performance.
Residents from a care home near Banbury enjoyed a day out to Birmingham’s Hippodrome theatre.

Staff and residents from Barchester’s Chacombe Park care home in the village of Chacombe enjoyed an afternoon matinee watching a performance of Coppelia at Birmingham’s Hippodrome theatre.

The residents took in some of the sights of England’s second city before enjoying a meal and watching the ballet performance in the evening.

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Jude Shibu, the general manager at Chacombe Park, said: “We absolutely love being able to take our residents out and about to visit the theatre it makes us so happy to be able to access venues like this. It has been a fantastic day and we’ve all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.”

Elizabeth, resident at Chacombe Park Care Home said: “We have all had the most wonderful time visiting the theatre. It is so lovely to be able to visit places like this and soak up the atmosphere.”