Brackley company spreads Christmas joy with generous food bank donation

Staff at Neighbourly in Brackley with the company's donation to the local food bank.Staff at Neighbourly in Brackley with the company's donation to the local food bank.
Staff at Neighbourly in Brackley with the company's donation to the local food bank.
A Brackley company has helped to spread Christmas joy with a generous donation to a local food bank.

Neighbourly, one of Britain’s largest home services organisations donated its largest ever amount of food to a Brackley food bank to help local residents in need during the festive season.

The company launched an initiative this November that encouraged business associates to donate food, from tinned soup to cereal to the Brackley Foodbank, agreeing to match all donations by the end of the month.

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Phil Carr, managing director for Neighbourly, said: "At Neighbourly, we live by our company values, and the generosity of our team demonstrates how we ‘treat others as we would like to be treated’.

"We understand how crucial it is for us to do our best to support those in need and we hope that our donations will help people in our community to have the Christmas they deserve".

Sandy Pidgeon, Brackley’s Foodbank organiser said: "With the cost-of-living crisis hitting so many people across Brackley, we are already seeing an increase in demand for immediate food support, so the generosity from Neighbourly will make such a difference and is hugely appreciated".

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