Banbury man celebrates 100th birthday with cakes and family at local care home

Francis Orchard celebrated his 100th birthday and enjoyed opening his cards, including one from the Queen with his neighbours and a few visiting family members at the Larkrise Care Centre in Banbury. (Submitted photo)Francis Orchard celebrated his 100th birthday and enjoyed opening his cards, including one from the Queen with his neighbours and a few visiting family members at the Larkrise Care Centre in Banbury. (Submitted photo)
Francis Orchard celebrated his 100th birthday and enjoyed opening his cards, including one from the Queen with his neighbours and a few visiting family members at the Larkrise Care Centre in Banbury. (Submitted photo)
A Banbury man marked his 100th birthday this week with cake surrounded by friends and family at a local area care home.

Francis Orchard enjoyed a personalised cake decorated with things from his life interests with matching cupcakes to share among his neighbours and a few visiting family members. The celebrations were held on his birthday, Tuesday October 12, at the Larkrise Care Centre in Banbury.

He enjoyed opening his cards, including one from the Queen and presents with his neighbours and a few visiting family members, including his son and daughter.

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When asked about the secret to living a long life and reaching 100 he said: “Blow if I know, ha ha ha...dancing, I loved to dance."

Francis Orchard holds the card he received from the Queen for his 100th birthday at the Larkrise Care Centre in Banbury. (Submitted photo)Francis Orchard holds the card he received from the Queen for his 100th birthday at the Larkrise Care Centre in Banbury. (Submitted photo)
Francis Orchard holds the card he received from the Queen for his 100th birthday at the Larkrise Care Centre in Banbury. (Submitted photo)

Francis has loved gardening most of his life, and worked in the agriculture section at Blenheim Palace. His favourite flower is the wallflower. He served in the Home Guard in World War Two. He often reads a poem, which reminds him of his brother Joseph, who was in the navy.

Francis was married two times. He wed his first wife, Ivy, in August 1946. She later passed away unexpectedly in February 1979. He then met Pat, his second wife, and married her in October 1982.She died unexpectedly in June 1990. He then met his long term partner, Ivy, in late 1990. They were together for over 20 years until she passed away in May 2014 at the age of 99.

A spokesperson for the Larkrise Care Centre said: "He loved it all, and kept thanking everyone for celebrating him."

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