New play equipment for Middleton Cheney among beneficiaries of council grant

Brackley mayor making. Peter Rawlinson.
130511M-C496 ENGPNL00120131105153442Brackley mayor making. Peter Rawlinson.
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Brackley mayor making. Peter Rawlinson. 130511M-C496 ENGPNL00120131105153442
New housing developments in the district will help pay for a host of community projects in Banburyshire.

South Northamptonshire Council approved £166,722 worth of community grants, made up in the most part from the New Homes Bonus (NHB).

SNC’s Community Funding Panel approved £51,722 worth of grant applications and in addition, at a meeting of SNC’s cabinet in January, a request for £40,000 for play equipment in Middleton Cheney, was approved.

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Cllr Peter Rawlinson, SNC’s portfolio holder for finance and procurement, said: “It is great to see the tangible benefits of the NHB in the distribution of funding for such worthwhile projects that will benefit so many across the district.”

Applications under £1,000 are determined by officers and may be submitted at any time.

Those over £1,000 are heard by the Community Funding Panel, and any over £20,000 are reviewed by the Community Funding Panel and referred to cabinet for determination.

The majority of community grants are funded by the New Homes Bonus (NHB), a grant paid by central government for each new home built in the district.

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Other grants of less than £20,000 included; £1,920 for Brackley Rugby Union FC for a wheelchair lift, £7,124 for a replacement perimeter fence at Middleton Cheney Tennis Club, £3,051 for replacement windows in Eydon village hall, and £1,500 for field mowing equipment for Eydon Community Sports Field Trust.

For more information on grants available from SNC visit