Men plead guilty over Banbury fair stabbing ahead of trial

Court news. NNL-170524-154443005Court news. NNL-170524-154443005
Court news. NNL-170524-154443005
Two men have pleaded guilty to stabbing two other men at a fairground in Banbury on the first day of their trial.

Tom East and Gary Woodwards admitted to unlawful wounding and being in possession of a bladed article at Oxford Crown Court on Monday (January 7).

Detective Constable Darren Pomroy said: “We are pleased that East and Woodwards have taken responsibility for their actions, and this will now give the victims closure today without having to relive their experience in court.

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Thames Valley Police will always investigate reports such as this extremely seriously and work hard to bring offenders into court to face justice.”

East, 27, of no fixed abode, and Woodwards, 25, of Middleton Road, Banbury, were arrested after the two victims, men aged 64 and 36, were stabbed during a confrontation at the fun fair on Ruscote Avenue on July 25, last year.

They were both charged with two counts of wounding with intent while Woodwards was also charged with threatening a person with an offensive weapon in a public place.

Both appeared at Oxford Crown Court on August 24, and pleaded not guilty.

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But on the first day of their trial on Monday, they changed their plea to guilty for lesser charges.

The pair were remanded in custody and are due to be sentenced on February 27.

Samantha Halliday, 27, of Hornton Road, Banbury, was cleared having also been charged with two counts of wounding with intent.