Man battling Crohn's charts fitness journey

Karl Tucker, 25, of Banbury, who has Crohn's disease, has posted a series of selfies on Facebook to chart his progress back to fitness. NNL-161003-130513001Karl Tucker, 25, of Banbury, who has Crohn's disease, has posted a series of selfies on Facebook to chart his progress back to fitness. NNL-161003-130513001
Karl Tucker, 25, of Banbury, who has Crohn's disease, has posted a series of selfies on Facebook to chart his progress back to fitness. NNL-161003-130513001
A Banbury man who had to have part of his bowel removed after being diagnosed with Crohn's disease has receieved an overwhelming response to a series of gym selfies charting his journey back to fitness.

Karl Tucker, 25, of Westminster Way, was diagnosed with the incurable condition in May 2014.

Crohn’s disease is a condition which causes inflammation of the digestive system or gut.

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Mr Tucker will have to wear a colostomy bag for life after undergoing a series of operations.

The disease had left Mr Tucker severely fatigued with difficulty walking and needing help from his family as well as needing to visit the toilet up to 12 times a day.

He has tried several different medications and was admitted to hospital several times between August 2014 and March 2015.

Mr Tucker, who is a team leader at Swalcliffe Park School, has undergone a number of operations – including one a week after his wedding.

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Mr Tucker said: “I’ve got to have my large bowel removed. It’s been a year of massive ups and downs. I got married last July but from April 2015 to August, I had to have three operations. It has been a real up and down road, but I’ve still got to have this operation. The reaction I’ve had from people has been great.”

Mr Tucker’s weight went from 13st 6lbs to 11st 6lbs. In December, Mr Tucker started exercising again in a bid to improve his health by cycling.

He said: “I started to train properly in January and to date have really started to change my body shape and this is thanks to the LDN muscle cutting guide.

“Life with my stoma is different but manageable but not without its problems. I sometimes get leaks and my skin can get sore as a result.

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“I’ve just changed to a new bag which is preventing leaks and improving my confidence with my bag.”

He took a series of selfies to chart his progress and has posted them on the Crohn’s and Colitis UK Facebook page where he has received thousands of likes.

He and his wife, Hannah, will be going on their long delayed honeymoon to Thailand in a few weeks.

Mr Tucker said: “A lot of what I have been posting is about me, but it has impacted on my wife as well. She’s been amazing with all the support she’s given me. It’s about trying to think positive. There are people out there worse off then me. I’m lucky I can go to the gym.”