Fake medic jailed over injection at Blenheim Horse trials

Blenheim PalaceBlenheim Palace
Blenheim Palace
A woman who injected a person with an anti-sickness drug while pretending to be a medical professional at Blenheim Horse trials has been jailed.

Cassandra Grant was sentenced to a total of four years in prison for her ‘extremely dangerous’ actions at Oxford Crown Court on Friday (July 20).

The 39-year-old, of Mulberry Walk, Bristol, pleaded guilty to one count of fraud by false representation and one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm at the same court on May 9.

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Investigating officer Detective Sergeant Tim Hawley said: “The offences took place at Blenheim Horse trials in September last year.

“Grant attended the event where she falsely claimed to be a medical professional and therefore committed fraud by false representation.

“While falsely claiming to be a medical professional, Grant then gave a patient an intravenous injection of an anti-sickness drug and was subsequently charged with assault.

“Grants actions were extremely dangerous, especially when you consider the years of training that medical professionals undertake before they are allowed to practice.

“I would like to thank all staff and officers who worked on the case as well as the Crown Prosecution Service for bringing the case to court.”

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