Former Brackley town councillor who sexually assaulted a girl had three previous offences for exposure

Former Brackley town councillor Stuart Dancer has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a teenage girlFormer Brackley town councillor Stuart Dancer has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a teenage girl
Former Brackley town councillor Stuart Dancer has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a teenage girl
A former Brackley town councillor has narrowly avoided a jail sentence after he was found guilty of sexually assaulting a young girl.

Stuart Dancer, aged 66, of Ellesmere Close in Brackley, was a Brackley town councillor from May 2003 until May 2007.

After a trial at Northampton Crown Court, a jury unanimously found him guilty of sexually assaulting a teenage girl in Brackley in April last year

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At a sentencing hearing on Tuesday, Judge Michael Fowler said he was “disappointed” with Dancer’s inability to accept the jury’s verdict.

Judge Fowler, who sentenced dancer to the three-year community order including completion of a sexual offenders programme, said Dancer’s “ridiculous attitude” had almost resulted in him being sent to jail.

He said: “You pre-sentence report is a disappointment in that you continue to protest your innocence.

“I have no hesitation at all in accepting the jury’s verdict in this case. This is exacerbated by the fact you have a history of sexual offences.

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“Most of the male population manage to live a life without being before the court for exposing their penis but on three separate occasions you found yourself before the court for this offence.

“This is not chance or misfortune but demonstrates your corruptive behaviour as to what appropriate sexual behaviour is.”

Dancer will have to sign the sexual offenders’ register for the next five years.