Banbury rapist jailed following summer attack

Court newsCourt news
Court news
Following a Thames Valley Police investigation, a man has been jailed for an incident of rape in Banbury.

Luke Wickham, aged 23, of West Bar Street, Banbury, has been jailed at Oxford Crown Court today, Monday, December 23, after pleading guilty to one count of rape at a previous hearing on November 13.

He was sentenced to fourteen and a half years; ten and a half in custody, with four years on licence.

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At around 6.30am on Wednesday, July 17 this year, the victim, a 27-year-old woman, was walking in West Bar Street when she was approached by Wickham.

Luke Wickham has been jailedLuke Wickham has been jailed
Luke Wickham has been jailed

Wickham told her that he needed her help after his son had fallen out of bed and was unconscious.

After entering Wickham's property, it became clear that there was no child at the property, and the victim tried to run away before Wickham held a knife to her neck and then raped her.

The victim then left his property and reported the rape at a police station.

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Wickham was arrested the same day as the offence and charged the following day.

Investigating officer, Detective Constable Bryan Groves, of Force CID at Banbury police station, said: "This was a horrific crime where the victim was deceived into going to Wickham's address. Wickham devised a plan to get the victim into his home and then rape her.

"The ploy of using a fictitious ill child to lure the victim off the street is reprehensible. The victim was attempting to go to the aid of a child she believed to be hurt.

"This was a terrifying experience for the victim, who despite the incredibly traumatic experience, was able to make a report to police to ensure the swift arrest of Wickham. I would like to commend the victim for her brave actions. I am relieved that she did not have to go through the ordeal of giving evidence at a trial.

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"This sentence reflects the seriousness of this offence, and the risk that Wickham poses. He is clearly a danger to the public.

"Offences like this will never be tolerated, and Thames Valley Police will always investigate reports of this nature seriously, with a view to bringing offenders to justice.

"I hope that this sentence will give other victims the confidence to report such offences to the police.

"It is thanks to the victim's courage that Wickham has been convicted and jailed, and her bravery cannot be underestimated."