Briggs bags brace but Bulls slip to their fourth defeat

Banbury Bulls captain Ian Isham Bulls gets his pass away before being tackled. Photo: Simon GrieveBanbury Bulls captain Ian Isham Bulls gets his pass away before being tackled. Photo: Simon Grieve
Banbury Bulls captain Ian Isham Bulls gets his pass away before being tackled. Photo: Simon Grieve
Despite Jack Briggs bagging another brace of tries, Bulls slipped to their fourth defeat in five games, losing 22-17 at Royal Wootton Bassett in Saturday's Wadworth 6X South West One East fixture.

The hosts got off to a great start when Tom Fieldsend intercepted a Sam Stoop pass and out-sprinted the covering defenders to score under the posts. Fieldsend converted and was on hand to kick another one following his side’s second try after another error.

Joe Winpenny failed to deal with a high ball and knocked on and Bulls stopped but David Martin scooped up the loose ball to score out to the left and Fieldsend converted.

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Bulls got back into the game when the returning Pete Boulton showed all his power to burst through home line before off-loading to Briggs who juggled the ball before kicking it down the line. The bounce was kind and Briggs gathered his kick before touching down in the corner and Duncan Leese converted.

The hosts started the second half with another try. Bulls were camped on their own line and eventually after several phases, Phil Bardwell found his way through the line to score in the corner but Fieldsend’s conversion attempt came back off the bar.

Bulls scored their second try when Jacko Briggs intercepted a loose pass but was stopped narrowly short of the line in the corner. The ball was quickly switched to the other flank and Jack Briggs scored his second try with Leese converting.

Fieldsend kicked a penalty after Bulls were penalised for offside and Leese kicked one for Bulls following the same offence.

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Bulls searched for a try that would level the scores and were camped in the hosts’ 22. But they could not find the break through and eventually the hosts won a penalty that allowed them to clear their lines.

It was a tough loss for Bulls but the scrum was dominant and there were some great line breaks throughout the game. But key errors cost them at key times.