Bloxham Road accident requires '˜jaws of life' to free drivers

Two car collision on the Bloxham Road NNL-160411-123759001Two car collision on the Bloxham Road NNL-160411-123759001
Two car collision on the Bloxham Road NNL-160411-123759001
On Thursday, November 3, fire rescue teams responded to a two car collision on the Bloxham Road after vehicles head on.

At approximately 7.45pm two cars travelling along the A361 in opposite directions crashed into each other closing the road.

Fire crews from Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service along with a rescue vehicle from Banbury Fire Station and a specialist rescue team from Kidlington Fire Station attended and found both drivers trapped in their cars.

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They were assisted by a passing doctor, who stopped and offered professional help.

Bloxham Road crash NNL-160411-123905001Bloxham Road crash NNL-160411-123905001
Bloxham Road crash NNL-160411-123905001

Both drivers suffered serious injuries and after being cut from the wreckage, using specialised tools, were airlifted by helicopter to the John Radcliffe in Oxford.

Watch Manager Dave Edge, from Banbury Fire Station said: “The two vehicles were badly damaged in the impact and the resulting debris field was a clear indication of the serious nature of the incident. Our teams worked closely with the ambulance service to ensure that we freed the injured people from the wreckage as soon as possible.”

Station Manager Mick Clarke, Road Safety Manager said: “This collision occurred on a rural road, in the early evening and whilst the cause is not known at this time, I would like to remind road users of the demands of driving on rural roads.

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“Nationally, 59% of road fatalities occur on rural roads and in 2015, 10,307 people were killed or seriously injured on country roads in Great Britain. Whilst lives were not lost on this occasion, the collision was a serious one. Please take care whilst driving”