Bloxham community rallies round for 'top nosh' Christmas event

Bloxham Christmas Day lunchBloxham Christmas Day lunch
Bloxham Christmas Day lunch
For the fourth consecutive year people of all ages sat down to enjoy a community Christmas dinner completely free of charge.

The Christmas day event came about thanks to the generosity of donors and the commitment of a 70 strong group of helpers, led by a group of seven villagers calling themselves ‘The Christmas Chums’.

The Chums have been working since September, planning and fundraising with funding grants were received from The Bloxham Feoffees, Bloxham Parish Council, Milcombe Parish Council and private donors.

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One of the organisers, Bee Myson, said: "We have had some lovely cards of appreciation from our guests and we would like to express our huge gratitude to all those who helped to make this day special for guests and helpers alike.

Plates are served at the Bloxham Christmas Day lunchPlates are served at the Bloxham Christmas Day lunch
Plates are served at the Bloxham Christmas Day lunch

"We were overwhelmed by the many offers of support and salute this expression of community spirit which made the event possible.

Those volunteering to make the event a success, held at Hawke Lane Chapel, included Bloxham resident Tim Wheeldon, who made a dozen bird nesting boxes for sale and raised £185 towards the event. In addition, many people gave gifts and prizes and supplied cakes, mince pies, stuffing, drinks and ingredients.

Other volunteers shopped, baked, drove, set up the hall, served food, took photos, cleared up, made place names and table decorations.

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The main course was organised under the leadership of Jaxon Ford his team of chefs from Buckingham, together with Dan and Kerry of The Joiners Arms, who cooked five turkeys for

the meal.

Tables were decorated with crockery, glassware, cutlery and linen provided by Gill Judd and musical entertainment was provided by Darryl Everitt who led the carols, with a guest appearance by Erin Lilley.

Santa arrived in time to draw the raffle and hand out bags of presents to all the guests. A grand prize of a chauffeured outing for two with cream tea at Fawsley Hall was donated by

Allan Spencer.

The Queen also made her regular appearance at 3pm rounding off a traditional and satisfying Christmas experience, before grateful guests were escorted home by their designated

drivers, laden with Christmas cake, presents, doggy bags and raffle prizes.

Bee added: "We look forward to repeating the experience in 2020."

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