Lost soldier's name finally added to Brackley War Memorial - 106 years after he died in combat

Joseph Doherty sadly lost his life at the age of 37 whilst serving in the First World War.Joseph Doherty sadly lost his life at the age of 37 whilst serving in the First World War.
Joseph Doherty sadly lost his life at the age of 37 whilst serving in the First World War.
A Brackley woman has succeeded in getting her relative’s name placed on the town’s war memorial – 106 years after he died in combat.

Linda Emmison couldn’t understand why her Great Granduncle, Private Joseph Doherty of the 7th Battalion, Northants Regiment, was not included on the Brackley Town war memorial, so she took it upon herself to find out and resolve the issue.

Born on April 12, 1878 in Manchester, Doherty lost both parents at an early age and was separated from his siblings when they were fostered out to different foster parents. Doherty found himself fostered by a couple who ran The Crown Pub in Moreton Pinkney where he spent most of his childhood before enlisting with the army.

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Private Joseph Doherty had enlisted in the 7th Battalion of the Northants regiment while living in Brackley and served in the First World War. Sadly Doherty lost his life during the Battle Of The Somme on Friday August 18, 1916, when the 7th Northants advanced eastwards from Trônes Wood towards Guillemont Quarry.

The War Memorial in Brackley now features Joseph Doherty's name.The War Memorial in Brackley now features Joseph Doherty's name.
The War Memorial in Brackley now features Joseph Doherty's name.

Doherty’s remains were not found until June 1928 near Guillemont Road and he was reinterred in Serre Road Cemetery No.2, The Somme, eight years after the Brackley War Memorial was constructed – meaning his name was not included in the list of fallen soldiers.

Now after years of family history tracing and a lot of research with the help of the Royal British Legion Private Joseph Doherty’s name has been included on the town’s war memorial and last November his name was read out much to the delight of Linda and other relatives who have remained in the area.

Linda Emmison said: “It means a lot to both myself and Gerald (Joseph’s Grandson), after all the work involved from myself, Gerald, The British Legion and Brackley Town Council I’m chuffed to bits.

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"A wrong has been righted, the fact that he wasn’t on the memorial when he should have been. I’m really happy it’s been done and done so nicely.

The War Memorial in Brackley.The War Memorial in Brackley.
The War Memorial in Brackley.

"The British Legion has been very supportive and so have the town council, I’m very grateful for the help they have provided”

There will be a dedication service held for Joseph Doherty at the Brackley War Memorial on Wednesday August 24.