GCSE results from across the Banbury area

A group of happy Chenderit School students on results day.A group of happy Chenderit School students on results day.
A group of happy Chenderit School students on results day.
Students have been receiving their results this morning (Thursday August 25) and we will be updating this article throughout the day as the results come in.

Wykham Park Academy

There were plenty of tears of joy for students collecting their GCSE results at Wykham Park Academy this morning.

The school’s results were: Some 36% of students achieved English and Maths at Grade 5 or above and there was a 14% increase in the students achieving 9- 4 in science over 2019.

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Wykham Park student Sam Coggins, 16, achieved Grade 8s in English Language and Maths, and his other marks included Grade 6s, a 7 and also secured a Merit for Btec Business and a Distinction for Sport.Wykham Park student Sam Coggins, 16, achieved Grade 8s in English Language and Maths, and his other marks included Grade 6s, a 7 and also secured a Merit for Btec Business and a Distinction for Sport.
Wykham Park student Sam Coggins, 16, achieved Grade 8s in English Language and Maths, and his other marks included Grade 6s, a 7 and also secured a Merit for Btec Business and a Distinction for Sport.

Principal of the school Sylvia Thomas said: “There will be a bumper crop of students offered a place at the Banbury Campus sixth form following another successful year for students achieving the highest grades which will secure them a place on A level courses.

“We are proud of the way that all of our students approached their exams this year following the two years of disruption they suffered through the pandemic. Their resilience and fortitude was notable and they worked with staff in countless extra sessions in the run up to May and June. Thank you to all parents who supported us too - our partnership with them is so important to their children’s success.

“We wish all of our year 11 cohort this year the very best for their futures.”

Wykham Park student Sam Coggins, 16, achieved Grade 8s in English Language and Maths, and his other marks included Grade 6s, a 7 and also secured a Merit for Btec Business and a Distinction for Sport.

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Maya Ross, 16, a student at Futures Institute  achieved 6 Grade 9s, an 8 and a 7 and was the top performing student across the Wykham Park campus.Maya Ross, 16, a student at Futures Institute  achieved 6 Grade 9s, an 8 and a 7 and was the top performing student across the Wykham Park campus.
Maya Ross, 16, a student at Futures Institute achieved 6 Grade 9s, an 8 and a 7 and was the top performing student across the Wykham Park campus.

Sam said “The last two years have been hard work. We missed quite a lot of classroom learning because of the pandemic, the online learning was good but it’s not the same. The teachers have been great about supporting us through extra revision sessions and helping us prepare for the exams so I felt confident going in to sit them.

“I think we were well prepared for the exams and had direction over the content. Everything that I expected to come up, came up and I will be staying on at the school’s sixth form.

“I think exams are quite possibly an outdated system of assessment, a lot of jobs now revolve around digital and online and exams don’t really prepare you for those roles.”

Maya Ross, 16, a student at Futures Institute (sister school of Wykham Park and part of the Wykham Banbury Campus) achieved 6 Grade 9s, an 8 and a 7 and was the top performing students across the campus.

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Principal of North Oxfordshire Academy with a happy student.Principal of North Oxfordshire Academy with a happy student.
Principal of North Oxfordshire Academy with a happy student.

Maya said: “Online learning was not the same as being in a classroom. However, because our lessons were actual video calls there was more interaction and the discussions you would normally have with your classmates continued and there was interaction with teachers.

“I kept my usual routine of waking up at the same time everyday as if I was going to school which I think helped. I was well-supported by the school and felt listened to.

“I was anxious for my exams but because we did so many mocks during the year, I got used to doing the exams and the exam hall.

“I’m hoping to do A-level Chemistry, Biology and Maths and go to university and in the future maybe get a job in pharmacy.”

Chenderit School students Annabelle Dascalescu, Mimi Guinness and Emily Campion.Chenderit School students Annabelle Dascalescu, Mimi Guinness and Emily Campion.
Chenderit School students Annabelle Dascalescu, Mimi Guinness and Emily Campion.

North Oxfordshire Academy

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Students and staff at North Oxfordshire Academy are celebrating again today as GCSE qualifications are awarded.

The school’s results were: Two thirds (66%) of students achieved a grade 4 or above in English and maths, with over half (51%) achieving grade 5 or above in both subjects. More than 75% of entries achieved a 4 or above in the following subjects, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Media, RE, Hospitality, Sport, Engineering and Health and social Care.

Principal at North Oxfordshire Academy Alison Merrills said: “Congratulations to all our students on their achievements today and thank you to our staff for their tireless energy and enthusiasm over the past two challenging years. These are another strong set of results for our school and reflect the high academic standards we have set at North Oxfordshire Academy

"Students have worked very hard and shown true resilience and perseverance. They are well prepared to enter our Sixth Form and I look forward to working with them as they embark on the next chapter of their education with us.”

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Some of the students celebrating are Chloe Payne who achieved nine straight 9s, Ethan Aldous who achieved six grade 9s and two grade 8s, Emily Readman who achieved five grade 9s, two grade 8s, one grade 7 and a distinction*, Alicja Baczmanska who achieved four grade 9s, three grade 8s, one grade 7 and one grade 5 and Jayden Hughes who achieved two grade 9s, four grade 8s, one grade 7 and one grade 5.

Chenderit School students Mayah Mohammed and Pearl Cumming.Chenderit School students Mayah Mohammed and Pearl Cumming.
Chenderit School students Mayah Mohammed and Pearl Cumming.

Chenderit School

Students at Chenderit School are celebrating outstanding grades in today’s GCSE results.

The school’s results were: Overall, 75% of students achieved a standard pass in English and maths, with 85% achieving a standard pass in English, 77% achieving a standard pass in maths and 74% achieving a standard pass in two sciences.

Headteacher Jane Cartwright said: “Even though our students have experienced a great deal of disruption over the past two years, they have shown remarkable resilience and have achieved brilliant grades which will now enable them to go on to their destinations of choice, with the majority of our students opting to stay at our thriving sixth form. Whatever our students choose to do next, we wish them success.”

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Some of the students celebrating today are, Mimi Guinness who achieved 6 grade 9s, 3 8s and 1 grade 7, Annabelle Dascalescu who achieved 5 9s, 4 8s and 1 7, Emily Campion who achieved 2 9s, 5 8s ad 2 7s and Sam Cavanagh who achieved 5 9s, 2 8s and 3 7s.

Kineton High School

Kineton High School would like to congratulate all Year 11 students on achieving excellent GCSE results.

The school’s results were: Over 75% left with a grade 9-4 in English and Maths with 57% gaining a 9-5 in both subjects. 20% of all GCSE grades awarded are at 9-7.

Some of the students celebrating today are Sophie Message who achieved 9 x 9, 1 x 8, 1 x 7, 1 AS Grade A, Jack Wood who achieved 7 x 9, 2 x 8, 1 x5, 1 AS Grade A, Willow Hogben-Wingrove who achieved 5 x 9, 2 x 8, 1x 6, 1 Dist, Rebekah Smith who achieved 4 x 9, 3 x 8, 2 x7, 1 AS Grade B, 1 Dist and Danielle Hopper who achieved 5 x 9, 4 x 8, 2 x 7.

The Warriner School

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Students, parents, and staff were celebrating a wonderful set of exam results at the Warriner School today.

The school’s results were: Grade 4 and above (pass) = 76%, Grade 5 and above - 62 %, Top grades -15 %

Executive Headteacher Dr Annabel Kay said: “I would like to congratulate all our students on a superb set of grades with some amazing individual performances. To have achieved this incredible set of results after having so much disruption is a credit to the resilience, dedication and hard work of our students. I am so proud of students, staff and parents because this has been a team effort all round.”

Chipping Norton School

Staff and students enjoyed a great results day at Chipping Norton School.

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The school’s results were: Close to 80% secured five GCSEs or more including both English and mathematics, 51% of students achieved a grade 7 to 9 in English, whilst 92% secured a grade 4 or above, 34% of students achieved a grade 7 to 9 in mathematics, whilst 87% secured a grade 4 or above, 80% of all students secured a grade 4 to 9 in at least two sciences (biology, chemistry and physics), with approximately one third securing the top grades (7 to 9) in biology, chemistry and physics, Close to 40% of all grades were in the 7 to 9 range, with almost one quarter being grades 8 or 9. In French, 91% achieved a grade 9.

Deputy Headteacher Alan Trainer said: “The GCSE (and BTEC) results of our students are exceptional and represents the perfect reward for the students and colleagues who have given so much for so long. We knew our students had the potential, but to see that potential realised is magnificent and inspiring.”

Tudor Hall

Tudor Hall celebrates a fantastic GCSE results day as the students move on to sixth form.

The school’s results were: “98% of pupils achieved one or more results graded 9-7, the average grade achieved by our Year 11 cohort was a Grade 7.”

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Headmistress Julie Lodrick said: “These excellent results are a testament to the tenacity and resilience that the girls have shown throughout the last two years. With the support of their teachers, they have kept their sights set on achieving the best possible grades, working consistently and steadily, whether at home or at school.

Individually and collectively, they have achieved remarkable grades and I am incredibly proud of what they have accomplished. I look forward to seeing them continue to flourish as they move into the Sixth Form.”

Some of the students celebrating today are Amelie who received an outstanding 11 Grade 9s and Lois who said: “I am absolutely thrilled with my results, but I could not have achieved them without the support of my teachers.”

Blessed George Napier Catholic School

Blessed George Napier Catholic School congratulates all of its students who have worked hard to achieve an excellent set of GCSE results today.

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Headteacher Niamh Dolan said: “It was lovely to see so many happy and smiling faces this morning. We are looking forward to welcoming record numbers of students back to our expanding Sixth Form in September”.

Banbury and Bicester College

Students at Activate Learning’s Banbury and Bicester College are celebrating today after collecting their successful GCSE exam results.

The college’s results were: More than 95% of Banbury and Bicester College students taking full-time GCSE programmes or standalone maths and English GCSEs achieved a pass in this year’s exams.

Deputy chief executive of Activate Learning Cheri Ashby said: “GCSE results day is such a special time for us at Activate Learning, as often we see our students overcoming the barriers they have encountered in their studies previously, to improve their grades and succeed where perhaps they thought they would not.

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"Once again, this year I am delighted to see so many students improving on what they have previously achieved, and to do so in the first public exams for two years – and for many of them their first since they were in Year 6 – is a real achievement"

Some of the students celebrating today are Lizzie Foulds who celebrating an outstanding set of results including a Grade 6 in English Language, Grade 4 in Maths and a Merit in English Language (Spoken) and Gill Abdulla who achieved Grade 5 in English and Grade 4 in maths.

Gill said “I’m really pleased I passed. I work at a school as a Teaching Assistant, and the knowledge will be invaluable.”

Magdalen College School

Magdalen College would like to congratulate all year 11 students who have received their results today.

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Admin Manager Anne Brady said: “We are very proud of what they have achieved and are looking forward to welcoming many students into the sixth form. The immense disruption that these students have experienced over the last couple of years should not be underestimated and so these results are particularly pleasing.”

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